“It is welcome news that judges have found David Sellu was wrongly convicted of gross negligence manslaughter. Many in the surgical community were greatly concerned by the case."
Royal College of Surgeons
In 2013, David Sellu, a respected consultant colorectal surgeon, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for the manslaughter of a patient under his care. He always argued that he did nothing wrong. This conviction caused consternation among the medical profession.
The case, together with that of Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba which followed shortly after, raised a number of questions, which still dominate discussion among healthcare professionals, the law and the public.
Where do system failures feature when an adverse event occurs?
How is it that of the last six professionals convicted of gross negligence manslaughter, five were from ethnic minorities?
Are the law and regulations helping to keep our patients safe or acting as a deterrent to learning from honest mistakes?
Book release
A Surgeon’s Story – David Sellu’s riveting and eye-opening account of the extraordinary events surrounding this tragic case – also highlights the serious issues facing health service professionals today and the fact that patients who are considered high risk (especially when it comes to operations) may not, in future, get the choices they deserve.
Sellu has given talks on his experience at the Royal Society of Medicine, the British Association of Urological Surgeons, the Oxford Surgical Society, the West Midlands Surgical Society, the Royal College of Surgeons, the Law Society to members of the Medical Defence Union and other meetings.
Feedback from audience members:
"Heartfelt and eye-opening.”
"Very honest.”
"Very moving but also very informative"
“Quite emotional real-life story, but help for future doctors remains to be seen.”
“Moving and disturbing but we need to recognise the problems that led to his conviction.”
​“Candid, emotional and wise. Extremely privileged to have this viewpoint first hand.
David Sellu's
'Did He Save Lives?
A Surgeon's Story'
is available at;
Waterstones Click HERE
Foyles Click HERE
'Did He Save Lives? A Surgeon's Story' is endorsed by Midas PR
Amazon Click HERE
Professor Roger Kirby in Trends in Men’s Health View here
Dr Eric Watts in Doctors for the NHS View here
Dr Maryam Naeem in British Journal of General Practice View here
Amazon reviews and online purchase of book View here
Serialisation of book in Independent Practitioners View here
The Williams Review of Gross Negligence Manslaughter View here